Thursday, 29 December 2011

New home for our parents-"OLD AGE HOME"

Do you know what is old age home ? OK I will tell you  old age home is the place where our parents have to go when we throw out them from  their houses. In  my point of view old age homes are the places that which  occupies spaces, which we don't need, it is just waste of our space . I mean to say old homes should not exist.

We can ask one question to our self....... we cannot take care even  of those parents who  gave birth to us and done a lot for us and always sacrificed there happiness for our happiness and what we give them in return?  just kick them of our homes.We forget if they haven't brought up us we were not what we are now..............
 We think they our old and useless for us but we forget that one day our kids to will have the same thought  one day.SO PLEASE STOP sending your parents to OLD AGE HOMES...
"Youth and old age, like pleasure and pain, birth and death, light and darkness, are inseparable companions. "
I don't even now how they feel they pass every single day . The pain from which they suffer loneliness they think why the hell death is not coming.They suffer a lot so please try to understand there feelings and sentiments . I request you please take care of them............

1 comment:

  1. I am truly inspired by your heartfelt post about the new home for our parents in T Nagar. It's heartwarming to see a dedicated old age home in t nagar, providing love and care to our elders. Your efforts are commendable, making a significant difference in their lives.
